Our Partners

Partnerships for authentic experiences.

“We are committed to delivering the highest quality services to our clients and creating powerful partnerships that create extraordinary experiences.”


Sylvester Seth Dadzie
Chief Operating Officer, Syntex Synergy.

Our Partners & Clients

Partnership is something we value at Syntex Synergy. Additionally, every single partner we have worked with has given us the tools we need to deliver higher-quality solutions, products, and technical support in order to build stronger bonds with clients and partners.
In order to give our partners and clients the best results from our service and assist them in achieving their short- and long-term goals, we want to work directly with them.


WECOS Company Ltd

WeCos is a startup incubation firm that believes in the power of entrepreneurship to solve the world’s biggest challenges. We empower founders to become leaders with innovative solutions and foster a community of collaboration between startups, investors, and mentors. Join us and be a part of our impact-driven network.

Korea East-West Company Ltd

Korea East West Power Co., Ltd. is engaged in power generation and electricity distribution in cities including Chungcheongnam-do, Ulsan Metropolitan City, Jeollanam-do, Gangwon-do, and Gyeonggi-do. The company's power generation facilities runs using bituminous coal, Anthracite, heavy oil, LNG, hydro energy, solar energy, wind power and fuel cell. Korea East West Power Co., Ltd. is engaged in overseas projects in countries including United States, Guam, Haiti, Jamaica, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Madagascar and Australia. The company operates as a subsidiary of Korea Electric Power Corporation. Korea East West Power Co., Ltd. was spun off from the vertically-integrated Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO). The company was incorporated in 2001.

Korea Trade-Investment Agency (KOTRA)

Agency established to contribute to the development of the national economy by performing work such as trade promotion, investment between domestic and foreign companies and support of industrial technology cooperation etc.

Energy Commission, Ghana.

The Energy Commission is a parastatal, mandated by law to regulate and manage the development and utilization of energy resources in Ghana, specifically in electricity licensing, renewable energy, natural gas and energy efficiency.

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA Ghana's mission is to manage, protect and enhance the country's environment and seek common solutions to global environmental problems.

University of Mines and Technology

The mission is to provide higher education in mining, petroleum, technology and related disciplines through effective teaching and learning; to promote knowledge through active research and dissemination of information and to offer professional services through extension activities to the mining and allied industries.

Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC)

The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) was established in October 1997 under the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission Act, 1997 (Act 538) as a multi-sector regulator to regulate the provision of electricity and water utility services. The establishment of the Commission was part of the Government of Ghana’s utility sector reform process.

Minerals Commission of Ghana

The Minerals Commission of Ghana is the Government agency with the primary responsibility of developing and coordinating mineral sector policies and monitoring their implementation.

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is the foremost national science and technology institution in Ghana. It is mandated to carry out scientific and technological research for national development.

Ghana Technical and Vocational Education and Training Service

Ghana TVET is key to the country’s industrialisation agenda as it provides the manpower for practical skills necessary for its industrial drive.

Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development

The Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD), exists to deepen decentralised governance and improved access to services at the sub-national level through the formulation of policies, programmes and projects and monitoring and evaluation of their implementation using professional staff and appropriate technology

Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources

The Ministry exist to ensure the sustainable management and utilization of Ghana’s lands, forests, wildlife and mineral resources for socio-economic growth and development

Northern Electricity Distribution Company

NEDCo exisits to supply safe and reliable electricity to homes and businesses in northern Ghana and neighboring countries in a commercially viable manner

Ghana National Petroleum Corporation

The Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) is Ghana’s National Oil Company (NOC), established in 1983 by PNDC Law 64, to support the government's objective of providing adequate and reliable supply of petroleum products and reducing the country's dependence on crude oil imports, through the development of the country’s own petroleum resources.

Ghana Investment Promotion Centre

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre is Ghana’s foremost investment attraction and promotion agency under the Office of the President.Guided by the GIPC Act 2013 (Act 865), the Centre courts and facilitates valuable investments to stimulate economic growth, unlock opportunities and spur job creation. The Centre also provides a diligent team of resource persons to furnish investors with insight and necessary guidelines towards a successful integration into the Ghanaian World of business, and as such remains the first point of contact for all foreign investors coming to Ghana

Ministry of Energy

The Ministry of Energy is the Government of Ghana Ministry responsible for energy policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as supervision and coordination of activities of Energy Sector Agencies

Electricity Company of Ghana

The primary objective of the Company is to supply/distribute electrical energy to the people of Ghana within the Company’s operational areas. The Company aims at operating on sound commercial lines in the discharge of its duties. It also aims at judicious supervision of rural electrification projects on behalf of the Government of Ghana.

Ghana Grid Company

The establishment of GRIDCo is intended to develop and promote competition in Ghana’s wholesale power market. This is through the provision of transparent, non-discriminatory and open access to the NITS for all the participants in the power market; particularly, power generators and bulk consumers and thus bring about efficiency in power delivery.

Volta River Authority

The Volta River Authority exists to power economies and raise the living standards of the people of Ghana and West Africa. We supply electricity and related services in a reliable, safe and environmentally friendly manner to add economic, financial and social values to our customers and meet stakeholders’ expectations.